Helicopter Drawing Tutorial - How to draw Helicopter step by step

Helicopter Drawing

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1. Instructions for drawing a small helicopter.


Today drawing123.com will guide you how to draw a helicopter very simply and beautifully.

Let’s get started!

Step 1:

Draw a basic oval, this will be the main body of the helicopter.

Step 2:

Add curves inside the body to form the cockpit windows.

Step 3:

Draw the main rotor on top of the helicopter using two long, symmetrical lines.

Step 4:

Add details to the helicopter landing gear.

Step 5:

Clarify the details of the landing gear by drawing additional crossbars and curves.

Step 6:

Add the tail section, including a straight line connecting the fuselage to the tail.

Step 7:

Draw a small propeller at the tail to complete the structure of the helicopter.

Step 8:

Color the drawing.

2. Instructions for drawing a colorful helicopter.

Step 1:

Draw a small circle in the middle, this will be the central axis of the fan blade.

Step 2:

Draw the main propeller blades on the shaft, consisting of four long blades radiating from the center.

Step 3:

Add a short straight line connecting the rotor blade to the helicopter body.

Step 4:

Draw a large oval, representing the main body of the helicopter.

Step 5:

Add window details on the helicopter body using curved rectangles.

Step 6:

Draw the landing gear section below the body.

Step 7:

Continue drawing the remaining landing gear for the helicopter.

Step 8:

Draw the tail of the plane, extending from the main body, with a curved shape.

Step 9:

Finish the small propeller at the tail of the helicopter to complete.

Step 10:

Color the drawing.

3. Instructions for drawing a rescue helicopter.

Step 1 :

Draw the top of the helicopter. This is a small oval with a curve at the top to give it a floating feel.

Step 2 :

Sketch the main body of the helicopter. A larger oval is attached to the roof of the helicopter, forming the overall frame of the aircraft.

Step 3 :

Added window details on the helicopter fuselage. The two windows are drawn with rounded rectangles, adding more detail.

Step 4 :

Draw the landing gear of the helicopter. Two curved horizontal bars are sketched at the bottom of the fuselage, representing the parts that help the helicopter land.

Step 5 :

Add the helicopter tail. The tail is outlined with a curve extending from the main body.

Step 6 :

Draw the fan blades. Three large fan blades are drawn at the top, along with the fan hub in the center.

Step 7 :

Color the drawing.

4. Instructions for drawing a cartoon helicopter.

Step 1 :

Sketch the fuselage. The basic shape of the helicopter fuselage is drawn like a rounded cloud, creating the overall frame for the drawing.

Step 2 :

Add the helicopter roof. A small dome is added on top of the fuselage, representing the rotor shaft.

Step 3 :

Draw the main propeller. Two long propellers are drawn on the roof of the aircraft.

Step 4 :

Draw the helicopter face. Big round eyes are added to the head, giving it a friendly and cute feel.

Step 5 :

Add mouth details. A big smile is drawn below the eyes, adding to the cartoonish look of the helicopter.

Step 6 :

Add window and tail details. A window is drawn next to the body.

Step 7 :

Draw the small fan part at the tail.

Step 8 :

Draw the landing gear of a helicopter.

Step 9 :

Color the drawing.

5. Simple helicopter drawing instructions.

Step 1 :

Draw a rounded shape at the edges, creating the basic frame for the fuselage.

Step 2 :

Add details for the windows and lower fuselage. A small circle is drawn inside the fuselage for the window, along with a curve on the left for the windshield.

Step 3 :

Draw the rotor shaft. A small circle with a connecting line is added on top of the helicopter body to represent the rotor shaft.

Step 4 :

Add the main rotor blades. Two long horizontal bars are drawn on the shaft, forming the helicopter’s main rotor blades.

Step 5 :

Draw the tail. A straight line extends from the fuselage, ending in a small circle, forming the helicopter’s tail.

Step 6 :

Add the tail rotor. Four small propellers are drawn on the tail, forming a part that helps stabilize the aircraft.

Step 7 :

Draw the landing gear. Two horizontal bars are added to the bottom of the fuselage, forming the landing gear that helps the helicopter land.

Step 8 :

Color the drawing.

6. Instructions for drawing military helicopters.

Step 1 :

Draw a horizontal rounded shape to create the main body of the helicopter.

Step 2 :

Add the window details, starting with a small curve inside the body, near the head.

Step 3 :

Draw two small shapes for doors inside the fuselage.

Step 4 :

Draw the helicopter’s tail with a straight line extending from the main body, with a small triangle at the end to create the tail.

Step 5 :

Add tail fan detail at the end of the tail section.

Step 6 :

Draw the top part of the helicopter’s fuselage, where the main rotor is attached. This part consists of a small rectangle on top of the fuselage.

Step 7 :

Draw the main fan blade on top, consisting of two long horizontal blades extending from the center.

Step 8 :

Add details under the fuselage such as landing gear.

Step 9 :

Color the drawing.

Hopefully this article on how to draw a helicopter will help you have a simple and beautiful drawing.