Inside Out 2 Drawing Tutorial - How to draw Inside Out 2 step by step

Inside Out 2 Drawing

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1. Instructions for drawing the character Angry in the movie Inside Out 2


Today will guide you how to draw characters in the movie Inside Out 2!

Let’s get started!

Step 1:

First draw the character’s eyes, with a sharp gaze and one eye raised.

Step 2:

Draw the character’s mouth with clenched teeth to give an angry look.

Step 3:

Draw the head for the character.

Step 4:

Draw the collar.

Step 5:

Draw the tie right in the middle of the two sides of the collar.

Step 6:

Draw the body of the character.

Step 7:

Draw the character’s legs.

Step 8:

Draw the belt.

Step 9:

Draw the details of the two clenched fists and draw the two feet.

Step 10:

Color the drawing.

2. Instructions for drawing the character Anxiety in the movie Inside Out 2.

Step 1:

Draw two large circles for the eyes. Draw a small circle inside for the person.

Step 2:

Draw the character’s hair.

Step 3:

Draw the character’s mouth.

Step 4:

Draw the mouth showing the teeth.

Step 5:

Draw the character’s body.

Step 6:

Draw details on the body of the shirt to create a pattern for the shirt.

Step 7:

Draw two hands clenched.

Step 8:

Draw the character’s two feet.

Step 9:

Color the drawing.

3. Instructions for drawing the character Anxiety with a happier expression.

Step 1:

Draw the character’s characteristic head.

Step 2:

Draw the eyes using two large circles and inside draw small circles for the pupils.

Step 3:

Draw a smiling mouth with round, even teeth.

Step 4:

Draw the character’s hair with curves and sharp points pointing to the sides.

Step 5:

Draw the character’s body.

Step 6:

Draw details on the body of the shirt.

Step 7:

Draw the character’s arms out straight and comfortable, and add the character’s feet.

Step 8:

Color the drawing.

4. Instructions for drawing the character Embarrassment in the movie Inside Out 2.

Step 1:

Draw a circle as the character’s signature nose tip.

Step 2:

Draw the character’s eyes with two large circles and small circles inside to create the shiny human part.

Step 3:

Draw the character’s hair with curves and points. Draw another curve around the hair and eyes.

Step 4:

Draw two curves on the outside of the face and add the zipper detail.

Step 5:

Draw the character’s two hands holding the two straps at the collar.

Step 6:

Draw the body of the character’s shirt, creating the character pulling the shirt over his head.

Step 7:

Draw the belly of the shirt with a pocket in the middle of the belly and a straight line for the zipper.

Step 8:

Draw the character’s legs.

Step 9:

Color the drawing.

5. Instructions for drawing the character Ennui in the movie Inside Out 2.

Step 1:

This is a character with his head tilted to the left, so his bangs will be drawn tilted to the left.

Step 2:

Draw curves to detail the bangs.

Step 3:

Draw a long pointed curve, this is the character’s nose.

Step 4:

Draw two curves to create the face.

Step 5:

Draw the character’s half open eyes.

Step 6:

Draw the mouth with a curve.

Step 7:

Draw the body of the character.

Step 8:

Draw the hair at the back of the character’s head.

Step 9:

Draw curves to detail the hair at the back of the head.

Step 10:

Color the drawing.

6. Instructions for drawing the character Envy in the movie Inside Out 2.

Step 1:

Draw the character’s sparkling eyes.

Step 2:

Draw a small mouth.

Step 3:

Draw the eyebrows.

Step 4:

Draw a curve around the facial features that form the character’s head.

Step 5:

Draw the character’s signature short hair.

Step 6:

Draw the collar.

Step 7:

Draw the body of the character.

Step 8:

Draw circles on the shirt to create a pattern for the shirt.

Step 9:

Draw the character’s two hands and two feet.

Step 10:

Color the drawing.

7. Instructions for drawing the character Joy in the movie Inside Out 2.

Step 1:

Draw hair for the character.

Step 2:

Draw short curves to add detail to the hair.

Step 3:

Draw a curve to complete the head.

Step 4:

Draw two eyes with two large circles, then draw the person with small circles inside.

Step 5:

Draw a curve for the nose.

Step 6:

Draw the character’s smiling mouth.

Step 7:

Draw the upper body with neck and shoulders.

Step 8:

Draw curves on the body to create details on the shirt.

Step 9:

Color the drawing.

8. Instructions for drawing the character Sadness in the movie Inside Out 2.

Step 1:

Draw two large circles for the character’s glasses.

Step 2:

Continue drawing the eyes using smaller circles.

Step 3:

Draw the character’s head.

Step 4:

Draw the mouth and eyebrows to give the character a sad expression.

Step 5:

Draw the characteristic short hair.

Step 6:

Draw the body of the character.

Step 7:

Draw the character’s two hands.

Step 8:

Draw the character’s legs.

Step 9:

Draw the character’s feet.

Step 10:

Color the drawing.

Hopefully, through the tutorial on how to draw Inside Out 2, it will help you have a simple and beautiful drawing!