Rain Clouds Drawing Tutorial - How to draw Rain Clouds step by step

Rain Clouds Drawing

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1. How to Draw Rain Clouds with a Rainbow.

Today, drawing123.com will guide you on how to draw a simple and beautiful rain cloud flower.

Let’s start!
Step 1:
Start by drawing a small unicorn horn.

Step 2:
Add details to the unicorn horn by drawing horizontal stripes to make it look more like a horn.

Step 3:
Draw the body of the cloud. Use light curved lines to shape the cloud around the unicorn horn.

Step 4:
Draw two cute round eyes on the cloud. Each eye has two circles inside.

Step 5:
Add a mouth between the two eyes.

Step 6:
Add curved lines below the cloud to complete its shape.

Step 7:
Draw raindrops falling from the cloud.

Step 8:
Add details to the raindrops to make them stand out.

Step 9:
Color the drawing.

2. How to Draw an Angry Rain Cloud.

Step 1:
Draw lightning bolts in various positions.

Step 2:
Bolden the lightning bolts and add some wavy details.

Step 3:
Draw the shape of the cloud around the lightning bolts.

Step 4:
Add angry eyes and eyebrows to the cloud.

Step 5:
Draw a frowning mouth and adjust the eyes to add a sad expression.

Step 6:
Add raindrops falling from the cloud.

Step 7:
Bolden the details of the raindrops and lightning bolts.

Step 8:
Color the drawing.

3. How to Draw a Cute Rain Cloud.

Step 1:
Draw a simple cloud using curved lines.

Step 2:
Add small curved lines inside the cloud to create a thickness effect.

Step 3:
Draw two round eyes with small details inside.

Step 4:
Add a smiling mouth and blush near the eyes.

Step 5:
Draw raindrops falling from the cloud.

Step 6:
Bolden and complete the details of the raindrops.

Step 7:
Color the cloud.

4. How to Draw a Thunderstorm Cloud.

Step 1:
Draw a simple cloud.

Step 2:
Add curved lines to give it a more detailed shape.

Step 3:
Draw an additional small cloud next to it.

Step 4:
Add curved lines inside the second cloud.

Step 5:
Draw another cloud.

Step 6:
Add curved lines inside the third cloud.

Step 7:
Draw a lightning bolt behind the cloud.

Step 8:
Draw more lightning bolts to make the picture more lively.

Step 9:
Draw raindrops.

Step 10:
Color the drawing.

5. How to Draw a Simple Rain Cloud.

Step 1:
Draw a simple cloud.

Step 2:
Add another cloud, combining the outlines to create a richer shape.

Step 3:
Draw an additional smaller cloud on the right side.

Step 4:
Add small raindrops falling from the cloud.

Step 5:
Draw more raindrops.

Step 6:
Color the drawing.

6. How to Draw a Large Rain Cloud.

Step 1:
Draw the outline of the cloud with small connecting curved lines.

Step 2:
Continue drawing the outline to complete the shape of the cloud.

Step 3:
Draw the outline of another cloud right next to it.

Step 4:
Continue to complete the second cloud.

Step 5:
Draw short straight lines under the cloud.

Step 6:
Draw raindrops below the cloud.

Step 7:
Color the drawing.

Hopefully, this guide on how to draw rain clouds will help you create a beautiful picture!