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Today, will show you how to draw a star very simply
Let’s start!
Step 1:
First, you draw the 2 sides and height of the triangle
Step 2:
Next, you draw a triangle with the vertex lying on the altitude
Step 3:
From the top, you draw 2 lines connecting the 2 sides of the triangle as shown
Step 4:
Similarly, from the midpoint of the altitude, you connect with the 2 sides of the triangle as shown
Step 5:
Also from the midpoint you draw 2 lines to the base of the triangle drawn in step 2
Step 6:
Next, you draw 4 lines connecting the vertices as shown
Step 7:
You use eraser to erase the excess lines
Step 8:
Finally, color the picture to make it look better
Let’s start!
Step 1:
First, you draw a straight line to the left
Step 2:
Similarly, you draw another line deviating to the right
Step 3:
Next, you draw a line as shown
Step 4:
Draw a horizontal line
Step 5:
Please connect 2 points together
Step 6:
Use an eraser to erase the excess lines inside
Step 7:
Finally, color your star
Let’s start!
Step 1:
First, draw a 5-pointed star as in the tutorial above
Step 2:
Next, you draw curves in steps
Step 3:
You draw a smaller star inside the big star
Step 4:
Draw small circles and stars to make them sparkle more beautifully
Step 5:
Finally, don’t forget to color your shooting star
Step 1 :
Draw a basic star shape using two simple curves that intersect to create two pointed tips.
Step 2 :
Complete the star by connecting the curves together, forming a complete star.
Step 3 :
Add the left arm using simple curves and fingers.
Step 4 :
Add the right arm similar to the left arm.
Step 5 :
Draw the left leg using simple curves, forming a shoe shape.
Step 6 :
Draw the right leg, similar to the left leg, completing the star’s body.
Step 7 :
Add eyes by drawing two circles with spirals inside to represent pupils.
Step 8 :
Draw a smiling mouth and add small details like dimples to increase the cuteness.
Step 9 :
Color the drawing.
Step 1 :
Draw two intersecting curves to create the two points of the star.
Step 2 :
Complete the star shape by connecting the strokes together to create a full star.
Step 3 :
Draw two small circles inside the star for the eyes, adding a highlight inside the eyes to create some life.
Step 4 :
Add a small curve under the eye to create a smile, making the star more cute.
Step 5 :
Draw curved lines extending from behind the star, creating light trails to show the star’s movement.
Step 6 :
Add more parallel curves to complete the light trails, creating the illusion of flying stars.
Step 7 :
Outline the light streaks to make them more defined and prominent.
Step 8 :
Color the drawing.
Step 1 :
Draw the top two corners of the star.
Step 2 :
Draw the remaining three corners to complete the complete star shape.
Step 3 :
Start drawing the 3D perspective by adding three lines next to the star, connecting the two closest vertices.
Step 4 :
Draw two more lines to create a 3D shape at the top and bottom corners of the star.
Step 5 :
Add parallel lines inside the perspective image to create a sense of depth and accentuate the 3D effect.
Step 6 :
Color the star to complete the drawing.
Hopefully, through a simple step-by-step detailed and beautiful guide on how to draw a star, it will help you have a beautiful picture.