Village Drawing Tutorial - How to draw Village step by step

Village Drawing

You can choose your favorite images to see detail drawing instructions:

1. Instructions for drawing a village on the hills.

Today, will guide you on how to draw a simple village.

    Let’s start!
    Step 1:
    Draw the frame for the picture.

    Step 2:
    Draw the house and two trees.

    Step 3:
    Draw two lines to outline the hill, then draw trees and flowers.

    Step 4:
    Draw the house on the hill and two bushes on either side.

    Step 5:
    Draw a hill in the distance and a tree.

    Step 6:
    Draw curved lines on the hill forming circles.

    Step 7:
    Draw clouds and the sun.

    Step 8:
    Color the entire picture.

    2. Instructions for drawing a village in the early morning.

    Step 1:
    Draw the frame for the picture.

      Step 2:
      Draw a small house.

      Step 3:
      Draw straight lines forming a fence on both sides of the house.

      Step 4:
      Draw two bushes.

      Step 5:
      Draw curved lines forming the shape of a distant hill.

      Step 6:
      Draw a house on the distant hill.

      Step 7:
      Draw a bush behind the house.

      Step 8:
      Draw an additional curved line in the distance, then draw a tree and a bush.

      Step 9:
      Draw another tree and a bush behind the faraway hill.

      Step 10:
      Draw the sun.

      Step 11:
      Color the entire picture.

      3. Instructions for drawing a simple village.

      Step 1:
      Draw the frame for the picture.

        Step 2:
        Draw a small house.

        Step 3:
        Draw a hill and trees on the hill.

        Step 4:
        Draw another house on the faraway hill.

        Step 5:
        Draw clouds.

        Step 6:
        Draw a rainbow over two clouds.

        Step 7:
        Draw the sun peeking out from behind a cloud.

        Step 8:
        Add some flowers on the hill for decoration.

        Step 9:
        Color the entire picture.

        4. Instructions for drawing a landscape in the village.

        Step 1:
        Draw the frame for the picture.

          Step 2:
          Draw two coconut trees.

          Step 3:
          Draw two bushes and the ground below the coconut trees.

          Step 4:
          Draw a bridge.

          Step 5:
          Draw the land on the right side of the bridge, and draw three rocks.

          Step 6:
          Draw a tree and bushes below.

          Step 7:
          Draw a curved line to form the distant mountain.

          Step 8:
          Draw clouds and the sun.

          Step 9:
          Draw two boats, two storks, and two rocks.

          Step 10:
          Color the entire picture.

          5. Instructions for drawing a small house in the village.

          Step 1:
          Draw a rectangular frame to serve as a base or boundary for the drawing.

            Step 2:
            Sketch the shape of the house using basic straight lines, including the main body and the roof.

            Step 3:
            Add details like the door, windows, and the ground in front of the house. Start shaping the tiled roof with wavy lines.

            Step 4:
            Draw additional details like trees beside the house, along with bushes and the surrounding ground.

            Step 5:
            Continue adding a fence.

            Step 6:
            Add elements of the sky, clouds, the sun, and small details like stone paths.

            Step 7:
            Finish the drawing by coloring it.

            6. Instructions for drawing a peaceful landscape in the village.

            Step 1:
            Start with a rectangular frame to set the base for the drawing.

              Step 2:
              Sketch the main tree trunk on the left side of the picture.

              Step 3:
              Add the tree’s foliage to complete the tree.

              Step 4:
              Sketch a small house on the right side of the picture.

              Step 5:
              Add curved lines and the ground to create a space that connects the house and trees.

              Step 6:
              Draw more small trees in the distance to enrich the landscape.

              Step 7:
              Add mountains in the background to complete the natural scene.

              Step 8:
              Color the picture with green trees, a yellow house, a red roof, and a blue sky to create a vibrant and complete image.

              I hope these instructions for drawing a village help you create a beautiful picture!